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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Super Sly

BYU's 4-day sleepover camp with Aaron (and Lloyer). 
Too cool for Cosmo?

(I love Aaron, btw)
Cy was awarded Mr. Hustle @ BYU

At the Lone Peak camp, Cy got Mr. Hustle every day and was awarded Best in Camp during award ceremony last day, whut-whut

Every one of them was on his phone when I came out onto the deck. But they heard me laughing at them, so...

(the bragging continues...)
Ballin' in the Jazz arena with the top 8th grade players in the state. No big deal ;)

Flag football just for kicks with his basketball team

Nice photography, right?...

Cy had a birthday. No way is he 14 and technically a high schooler next year, right?!


1. He's determined as all get out
2. He's almost always in a great mood
3. He has energy to rival Getty's
4. He doesn't do cliques and has lots of friends
5. He's got the moves like Jagger
6. Enthusiasm to spare
7. He's a scaredy cat
8. He does lots of extra chores for me for arguing :)
9. He's big-time serious about basketball and puts in the hours and blood, sweat, and tears

10. He balances friend time with down time (unlike the other kids in the house)
11. He likes going to the temple with me a couple times a month (and the mandatory gas station chips, chocolate milk, and Slim Jim afterward)
12. He talks about his future wife and kids often
13. He reads his scriptures and prays every night before bed (!!!!)
14. He's all about fashion

You're the man, Cy

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