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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Reza Turns 20

Dinner at a Persian restaurant with his best friend Mossein and Mossein's girlfriend-of-the-month

Presents and birthday donuts, per usual

A few reasons we love Reza...
1. He says "Hola, como estas?" every time he calls or walks in the door, because he knows his Spanish accent is the worst
2. He's assertive: He tried selling a suit on KSL for $125, and a man came over to try it on and offered $100. Reza said, "Get out of my house." 😂😂😂
3. He changes jobs frequently but always finds another one that pays better
4. He's a very talented and efficient tailor, sewing everything from tuxedos to golf bags to high-end mattresses
5. He is generous to a fault and has given away probably half of what he has earned
6. He trusts everyone, even the guy who asked for his ATM card and the PIN# 😬
7. He's the most determined and strong-willed person I know
8. He is charming and can talk you ear off
9. He thinks nothing of asking a company to reconfigure standard work hours, so it's more convenient for his own schedule 🙈
10. He loves to help people and will even consent to be a lonely girl's boyfriend if he feels sorry enough for her 😂 ðŸ‘«

Love you, Reza!

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