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Monday, June 15, 2020

Memorial Day, 2020

Rode our bikes to Elle's grave and had a picnic. Mia didn't show. Getty went earlier with friends. That's how it goes these days with those two. We miss them.

Granny and Doug happened to be at Elle's gravesite after visiting Dad's and GG's, and Granddad's graves, so they ate fried chicken, melon, and our favorite drinks with us—
Cy: Protein 20 Strawberry Watermelon
MK: TruMoo chocolate milk 
Rob and I: no Lemon Dasani, so we settled for Coconut Lime and Mango waters
Cam: Peach Propel

Then we all walked the curb from the cemetery to Snoasis for shave ice. Favorite flavors—

Me: Sour Blue Raspberry with cream
Rob: not a dessert guy
MK and Cam shared: a side-by-side Pink Lemon Sour and Vanilla
Cy: Blue Ocean (Coconut and Cotton Candy mixed) with cream and ice cream

Getty picked these flowers on the headstone ledge from someone's yardπŸ‘‡πŸ˜³ 

Earlier in the day, Rob and I were feeling pretty down, so we hiked together, and that made all the difference πŸ‘Š

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