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Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Parents

Rob kissed me back with my lipstick on 😂, and then he asked me not to write love letters to him anymore. It makes him feel guilty that he's not being a good enough husband... 😱

My baby LUCY! 😍

First pictures of Rob and I together

I never know where I'll find Rob asleep. Sometimes it's kneeling over the couch, other times it's on the floor right next to the bed....

Today it was under the kitchen table...

Always he crowds "my side" of the bed 😏 ... and sleeps with his head at the footboard

The other night I came down the stairs to find this... 
 "Try it, Ren, it's nice and cool."

Sometimes he sleeps in Mia's old room so he can stretch out completely. On those nights, this is what the bed I slept in alone looks like in the morning... 👆👇

This is what the bed he slept in looks like in the morning...
Notice there are pillows at both ends of the bed so he can switch. There's a pillow on the floor in case he wants to sleep there. The flat sheet is completely untucked and shoved to a bottom corner along with a light blanket, and the comforter is twisted up in the center of the bed. He's got this whole set-up. There's just one thing missing...

After ten YEARS we discovered we had a hiking trail in our backyard that goes for days!😱 ... and we call ourselves hikers 🙈 We hiked for almost 3 hours and along 8 miles of trails in the mountains until we were satisfied for the afternoon. 

I've been organizing and updating my kitchen decor...

Sending missionaries encouragement during CoVID 19 quarantine

And this has become a regular coronavirus activity... lining the main neighborhood street to welcome home missionaries with a honk parade as they drive home and wave through their sunroofs. Here we were waiting for Parker H. to make his appearance.

A 2-hour hike up Horsetail Falls

The backside of Horsetail with Clint and Cassie


My favorite tree in our front yard

Silver Lake in May was frozen over

and so beautiful! 

Afterwards, Clint and Cassie stopped by. Culver's had drive-thru only, so we ordered and sat in their car to eat and talk about moving to St. George with them... someday.

Cassie and I hiked to Bell Canyon waterfall a couple weeks later...

I could not believe my eyes 😍😍😍

This hike is literally 10 minutes away from where I grew up, and I had never been there before.

I spy...

There is beauty all around...
Megan and I have started our May to Oct/Nov biking routine 3x/week. When we saw these yellow roses lining the Murdock trail, we had to stop 😍

Grant & Tonya's youngest graduated during quarantine, so our neighborhood threw a parade, Rob made the banners, and I made her a cash pizza... (Pinterest)

Quarantine has lasted longer than we ever thought it would, and we're starting to wonder if life as we've known it will be different from here on out. Going back to school in the Fall is up in the air. Church is just starting a new phase where each ward in our stake will meet for 45 minutes a month—one sacrament meeting with one ward per building per week. Our huge ward is divided into 3 meetings, 90 minutes apart, to provide time to sanitize the building for the next meeting. 

Riots broke out downtown SLC yesterday. Getty happened to be down there with a friend, so I texted him to stay away from the crowds. But of course he was all about the adrenaline and texted me... 

...not awesome

So, life has been interesting and a little scary. I saw part of the video of George Floyd's death, and it was surreal. Unbelievable that he was treated that way. And I'm so disappointed that rioting was the way people chose to address the issue. I think it had something to do with the quarantine, too—frustrated people with nothing to do, out of work, bored, irate....
Beauty, memories, home life, friends, and tragedy all ended up unexpectedly in one post. It's just life.

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