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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Yay! Another Organizing/Decor Project!

MK asked me to come over and help her decorate her house, so I stopped by and took pictures and noticed the pantry was calling my name... like yelling. I went home and shopped my storage room, then picked up MK and headed to Target, and then spent the next 6 hours in organizing heaven!

The Pantry BEFORE

I threw out lots of mostly empty boxes and put their contents in smaller bins with like items, consolidated half-gone bottles and tins of the same product, wiped off shelves, and decluttered items that belonged elsewhere in the house or garage.

The Pantry AFTER
I used cardboard boxes I had from home to hide lightbulbs and little tea lights up top, bought a lazy Susan for the shelf corner for bottles and sauces, and bought ten .99¢ clear medium bins and two $3 large bins to group like items together.
Appliances went into the pantry on a low shelf instead of taking space on the kitchen counter, I hung her aprons up on the side wall with a command hook, and added a 3-tiered shelf for canned goods and a vegetable bin with airflow for her sweet potatoes.
The trash can is too tall for the space, so I would get one that fits just under the shelf.

Forgot to take a "before" pic, but...
Kitchen AFTER 
Cleared out clutter and added a tray by the sink for hand and dish soap dispensers and a round serving tray for the island's focal point with a pitcher of flowers and bowls for change, keys, and pistachios. Bought a "junk drawer" organizer tray.

Family Room BEFORE

Family Room AFTER

Decorated the shelving unit with pottery, books, a plant, a candle, and pillows and a throw on the bottom. Added a large basket for blankets. Pulled the front feet of the furniture onto the rug to ground and unify them. Added a basket tray with books and bowls to the coffee table to add interest and texture. 


Moved the small "BE" and "KIND" letterboards from separate walls that were too large for their scale and stacked them on a narrower wall to add height to low furniture and play off the white of the coffee table. Still waiting on Cam to illustrate a painting for Rob to print and hang above MK's tv.

Minor changes to the bedroom: 

Turned the books around to make the shelf look less busy. Added tall glass vases for varied height and shine.


Moved the floor lamp next to MK's bed to add height and brought a black lamp from home for the shelving unit.


Bought the brass round mirror that's sitting on the floor to be installed above her bed. The standing lamp is more convenient next to the bed instead of across the room and gives her tiny nightstand an anchor.

Added a wreath to the front door. Still need a welcome mat, but looks like home!

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