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Sunday, March 9, 2008

My Top Ten Household Items

Got tagged for this by Jen. Here's my top ten (in order):
1. A Scrubbee-Doo (large size). What the . . . ? It's an awesome mop. It's not like any other I've seen before. It's got a flat rectangular microfiber mop head that you velcro on and off. It's the simplest mop I've ever used. No buckets of water to tote around. You just wet the microfiber, velcro it on, then squirt floor cleaner directly onto the floor and mop it up! Microfiber soaks up so much, you won't have to rinse until you're done (unless you're mopping up a cafeteria). It's not only convenient, it cleans much better than any mop I've used. You can buy it at Don Aslett's "The Cleaning Center." It also has an adjustable pole handle, so kids can use it--and they like it! My number one pick.
2. Whiteboard Month-at-a-Glance Calendar. We post all family activities, so everyone knows where everyone else went!
3. Smaller whiteboard for notes and reminders on the fridge. I love it because I don't have to nag my kids as much. Every time they get into the fridge (plenty) they are reminded--"Getty, clean your zone." Or, I write notes, "Be right back" "I love MK, and she loves me". . . .
4. Kitchen dial timer. This is a great tool for time-outs, to motivate for chores, for obstacle course races, etc. Got mine for $2.99 at Target.
5. IKEA colored plates and cups (wish they had cereal bowls!) for kids. Microwaveable and nice looking. The kids each picked a color, so they use their own color cup and plate for the day (except for dinner). Helps keep dishes to a minimum. Cups and plates were sets of 6 for $1.99!
6. Stairbasket! For all those downstairs items that find their way upstairs (and vice versa). "Down to Earth" for $20 on a 50% off sale.
8. Wireless intercom. Love this. Now I don't have to yell my head off (when the baby's awake) or go running ALL THE WAY downstairs (when the baby's asleep) to get the boys to come up for dinner . . . . From Radio Shack.
9. Clorox disinfecting wipes. I have one of the kids do a quick wipe-down of the sinks and toilet seats with these once a day. Quick and easy. Great for doorknobs, too.
10. Microfiber dusting mitten. Also at "The Cleaning Center." It's a great duster. I think it was $2 or $3. The kids think this mitten makes dusting fun. Whatever works.


Jen V said...

Great ideas! I told Patrick about the mop and duster - he flipped! He told me to put it on our "must purchase" list! How much is the mop?

About the Dyson - they are expensive about $500 - (we got it for a steal from Patrick's brother) but SOOOO worth the $ - and you can usually find them on sale or with a rebate. I will bring it up to SLC with me this week so you can do a little test before considering further. If you look at you can get more specifics. They also have a model that is for "Asthma + Allergies" my friend swears by it.

Unknown said...

Lorenne, you are amazing. I love cleaning products (not that you would be able to tell by the state of my room) but I have a super cool book based on a TV show at home called 'How Clean is Your House' You have such whizzy tips and cool ideas, I swear you should write a book. When I get married and have kids I am coming to you for some tips and tricks!
Sarah x x x

Jen V said...

Post the nursery rhyme you sung today - I loved it.

Jacqui said...

Hi Lorenne--I've gotta get your mop. I have a similar one, but it's a pain. This one sounds great!

BTW, I'd love more info on the kid's "Zones" to clean. Where did you come up with that, how do you do it, etc? Every time I talk to Cassie, she says you and I read the same self-help books, so maybe it's in a book I haven't finished! Anyway, tell all. I used the books you suggested for our first sex talk with Ash. It went great! Thx.

PS I just made my blog private, but I'd love to send you an invite. email me @ so I'll have the address you use.