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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa's Lap and Lime Rickey's

Family Night was a trip to the grocery store for donuts, chocolate milk, and a gift bag from Santa. (Mia met us there later, and MK was on a sub-for-Santa date with 29 other couples. 29?)
Cy helped Cam write his Christmas list, so Cam let it do the talking and stayed mum.

Elle rattled off her wish list:  a Justin Bieber barbie, Zhu Zhu pets, a Zhu Zhu pet place, a big bean bag—green, a ladybug pillow pet, a unicorn pillow pet, a dragon pillow pet...
The list was long, so Santa got kinda bored...

Cy told Santa all about FIFA 12 and Kinect Sports Season 2.

And Getty told Santa, "I want a bunch of Rated M games." Dream on, Sugar.

Rob suddenly remembered our Arctic Circle lime rickey and brown toppers tradition from Riverton, so we headed to the new AC around the corner.

The kids were in full-throttle fun mode—we had to drag them out of there an hour later. Luckily, Getty's favorite 6th grade teacher and her BYU football-playing son-in-law were in the lobby to draw them out.
Mia is explaining that those signs on the slide say, "If your name is Elle, then you get a free ice cream cone."

Great. Feed the narcissism. haha


Linda Barton said...

Your family is so cute! There's nothing wrong with a little narcissism in a little girl. :)

Anonymous said...

There's a Justin Bieber barbie?? I had no idea. The look you caught on Santa's face is priceless!