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Friday, April 20, 2012

Mia's Funeral Letter to Elle

Dear Elle Belle,
I can't find the words to start this letter to you. All I can say is I miss you and love you a lot. I miss your grumpy face in the mornings and your hugs and smiles when I came home from school. I miss you waking me up on Saturday mornings because you were screaming so loud because the boys were chasing you around the house. I miss your spunky attitude and the sassy looks and faces you did.

I'll miss you drawing me pictures (especially John Mayer ones) and what I miss most of all is when you would come into my room and I'd put music on for you and you would dance your heart out. I have countless videos of you that I recorded of you dancing. I'm going to have the hardest time listening to Justin Bieber because of your MAJOR crush on him and his CD you played in your room blasting every day.

I remember after having 3 brothers, I really wanted a little sister so bad, and in 2007, I got you :) and I'm so happy I got you for these 4 years. You were, and still are, everything to me.
I hope your spirit can be with me at special moments in my life and that you will be looking and watching over me. I know this was the plan and that you will be going to the Celestial kingdom. Knowing that comforts me and makes me want to try that much harder to be the best I can be so I can come back to you and see your happy face.

One of my good friends shared a poem with me that I love so much and it goes like this:
God looked around his garden
and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth
and saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you
and lifted you to rest
God's garden must be beautiful,
He only takes the best.

I love you so much elle. I won't ever forget you.

Love, Mia
(age 15)


Linda Barton said...

Your children were so poised during their letter readings. It was touching to see the way each of them loved Elle in their own way.
Love you :)

Anonymous said...

What a hard thing to have to write this letter--especially for the girls who are older, understand a little better--to organize thoughts and feelings. Mia, you did a beautiful job.