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Friday, June 5, 2009

De-Clutter, Baby

(TP courtesy of Getty and Connor. Thanks, guys. We feel loved....)

I taught an Enrichment night class on "How to Get Organized" and thought I'd post the notes in a bloggy series over the next week or so. I've read several books on the subject and attended many seminars over the years, so you need to know by-and-large these are NOT my ideas. I give credit whenever I'm sure of the source.

Want to know the experts' number one key to getting organized? 


“DE-JUNK: toss it, trade it, tromp it, give it away, sell it, but get rid of it. It’ll be the greatest housework reducing move you ever make. The formula is easy: Don’t love anything that can’t love you back. If something doesn’t enhance your life then part with it. I can promise that dejunking will change your life and housework schedule more than any other single thing you can do.” —Don Aslett

How to De-Clutter

1. Plan a de-cluttering session when your husband can watch the kids and you can work uninterrupted.

2. Focus on one room at a time. Start with your main work areas first (kitchen, laundry room...)—your success will spur you on to tackle one more room!

3. Set a timer for 45 minutes. Then take a 15 minute break. Set the timer again.

4. Discard and Sort are the most important things you can do to get your house under control.

Here’s how: Use 3 boxes and a large trash bag when organizing a room.

Box 1 or large garbage bag TOSS

Box 2 RELOCATE is for items that belong in another room

Box 3 CHARITY is for items you will give away. Don’t think something is too nice to give away!

If necessary: Box 4 PROBATION is for items you are unsure about. Keep it in your basement. Donate the box if you haven't used the contents in 6 months.

Organization expert Sandra Phillips’ rule of thumb: Get rid of 80% of your clothes, toys, furniture, stuff. We use 20% of our stuff (clothes, appliances, etc.) 80% of the time. Even if you don't actually get rid of 80%, it's good to keep that guideline in mind; it will help you get rid of the stuff you really do need to part with.

KEEP anything that meets the criteria for what is truly useful or beautiful for you. Ask yourself these questions when sorting:

Do I love it?

Do I use it?

Do I need it?

Do I want it?

Do I have space for it?

Next post in the series: Specific De-cluttering Examples and Ideas


Shelley said...

You'd be so proud...
I am already an organizational freak by nature, but there are certain places in my house that get neglected since I don't have to see them all of the time. So I tackled my downstairs storage closet this morning and threw away a HUGE pile of stuff, I have a DI pile, and a sell on KSL pile. Yay! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

Jen V said...

Rock it. Bring it. I want more. You are the best - such an inspiration to me!! Miss you! XOXO