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Friday, June 5, 2009

Maintenance: Key to Long-term Success

Maintenance is vital. Without this principle in practice, you'll be back where you started in a matter of weeks or months. All of your hard work will have gone to waste.
Tips to Maintain Organization:

SLOW the FLOW: One thing in, one thing out. If you buy a shirt, donate a shirt. Don't keep accumulating. Teach your family this principle.

Put the Roof on the Day before going to bed:

1. Straighten the house

2. Plan the next day

3. Know what you will cook for dinner tomorrow

4. Sort laundry and start one batch

That's all I've got for the series. Hope you are knee-deep in trash and donations! (It gets worse before it gets better.) MUCH better!


Anonymous said...

So great to be reading your postings again! With trips and illness...I got a little behind. Wow--you have really been on a roller coaster adventure! Never a dull moment in a home of 8. And yet--you can maintain order and clarity with a passion for singularity and solace. I admire you!

Cindy said...

Thank you for posting all your notes! I think the maintenance part is my problem. We've done a bunch of massive dejunking purges over the last several years but somehow 6 months later it seems like we're right back where we started again. Where does all this stuff come from???

Oh, and I'd be happy to come over to your house and tell you how wonderful you are anytime you need it. You really are amazing in every aspect of your life, not just the organizational stuff!

Linda Barton said...

Are you for hire?

Linda Barton said...
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Brit H. said...

You Rock. You do. Also, you are invited over anytime that you get the itch to dejunk or organize. I will offer my house. That's just the kind of sister I am.

Really awesome stuff. Thanks for all of the posts.