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Friday, June 15, 2012


O my heart.

Sword fight
The cast

Photo in character

Laertes and Hamlet

Hamlet with Horatio

Getty memorized 136 lines. So now he quotes Shakespeare at random moments. The other day, he said to me, "You ground me all the time." I said, "It sure seems that way." He rattles off, "Seems, madam! nay it is; I know not 'seems'..."
Then, when we parked in a movie theater parking lot, "2B," he quoted, "To be or not to be? That is the question...."
And then this quote: "I shall in all my best obey you, madam."

I'm weak in the knees.


Alli said...

So funny! I love all the Shakespeare quotes of "I will obey you, Madam."!! That made me crack up!! That must have been such a wonderful experience, Getty! Good job!

Jen V said...

CONGRATS Get! I'm so impressed with your endless talents! I had no idea you had Shakespeare up your sleeve:) Wish I could've seen it for myself. Thanks Lorenne for sharing that with us!

Getty - I trust your next play will involve your impression of Coach Hines - one of my absolute favs:) XOXO

Jacqui said...

His wife will be weak in the knees too, someday. How fun!