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Monday, June 18, 2012

I Guess You Could Call It a Hobby

Some people like to cook.
I like to clean.
So, when over the course of several weeks, I'm faced with an opportunity like Mia's bedroom:

you can appreciate how the temptation would be unbearable :)

Normally I mind my own business when it comes to M&M's rooms, but...
Mia was in Park City for the weekend with Lindsay and her family—(so help me) I couldn't take it!!

This is her hideaway. I should've done a before/after of that little disaster area.
That's some bedding she naps on sometimes with one of Rob's very old teddy bears.

Ahhh. I feel so much better now.

I give it three days. But she gave me a big hug when she saw it, so it's all good.


Alli said...

I wish cleaning was one of my hobbies! ;)

Kersten said...

Where oh where does this love of cleaning come from and can you teach me? I look at a messy room and instantly feel exhausted. It's much easier to disappear in a book and ignore it all.