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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Games Boys Play

Cam still rolls up in a blanket on the kitchen floor for long periods of time, so when I saw this super-soft queen-size blanket at Costco, I bought it. Problem? Now Cy and Getty want the blanket to themselves. They started with a few skirmishes, and now it's all out Blanket Wars.

Rules: You have to touch the person with the blanket in his possession to be awarded the blanket, BUT you can't touch the blanket or it's a 10-second violation, at which point the blanket keeper escapes...

Besides being rolled up in a blanket on the floor, Cam's other favorite place to be is on the heater vent in the pantry.

What is it about the kitchen floor?! I don't get it... 

Speaking of Rob, Mia texted him after she 
had about 15 friends over Friday night:

Getty masterminded this contraption.

Lucky the Leprechaun has been up to his old tricks. Looks like he found a place to stay in our basement while he visits.

Lucky sent Cam on an extended five-day treasure hunt to places like the "old film fort" in the forest behind our house 

down the playhouse slide

into the tunnel under the bridge

to the new park and places inbetween. Getty shadowed Cam and helped him figure out the clues ;) In the end, Cam dug up a treasure box full of gold coins that tasted a whole lot like chocolate.

Here Cam is all ready for school.

Cy and the guys being girlie and the girls being manly

The boys were pretty sure dunk ball would impress the ladies. Two of the five girls bailed after the first few minutes ;)

Daniel's English teacher assigned the class "Magical March: Adventures in Childhood." First assignment: make a fort (and don't kiss your girlfriend in it).

Humpty Dumpty with cardboard

Cracking themselves up making funny videos. Like my church heels?

Getty figures out what the heck to do with a slack line.

So there's a snapshot of the last two weeks. These boys are Bizzy. And Krazy.

So what does that make me?

(I have issues ;)

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