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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

25th Anniversary

The first four hours was a road trip to St. George that ended badly. Rob and I have had no time to hammer out difficult parenting issues, so guess how we spent the ride? It's a good thing we ended up at Clint and Cassie's, so they could put us back together. Cassie and I may or may not have talked til five o'clock in the morning....

Later that morning, Rob and I climbed into our car to head to the Vegas airport. He leaned over, "I don't know what else to say, except I love you." (He always knows just what to say.)

We dropped the subject and listened to "How to Measure Your Life," by Clayton Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business school who happens to be LDS. He talks about how business theories can apply to our personal and family lives to predict personal fulfillment and successful long-term relationships. Good stuff. He's smart.

Awkward solo tourist pic at the Luau

 After some 25th anniversary days, we met up with MK.

Rob to MK: "What's something you've been wanting to do on the island but haven't done yet? —because that's what we're doing." 

MK: "Oh, got it! Paddle-boarding at sunset on the Haleiwa river with the mating sea turtles."

pic: northshorehawaii.wordpress



Here we are almost back to shore

The next day MK and I sunbathed while she talked on the phone to Luis for an hour-and-a-half about whether or not he should buy expensive Nikes. Rob fell asleep in the "shade"....

(Visiting MK's house after her graduation [another post]. Like her couch?)

Check him out :)

We probably spent four hours walking around Aloha Stadium at the swap meet and bought exactly 13 pair of Hawaiian sandals and 15 t-shirts and just stuff. At the North Shore shops, we found the Stance socks in Junior sizes Cy's been dying for (they've been sold out or unavailable back home). So fun to shop for the kids and bring home presents! 

Mia and Riley watched the boys while we were gone. The boys' biggest complaint was that Mia failed to ref and just let them "fight it out." More later....

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

Happy 25th! That's so cool...25 down, infinity to go....