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Thursday, November 24, 2016

(Back in August...) My 47th

Wow, did Mahdi come through for my birthday—he made my favorite authentic Afghanian meal, Kokosabzy...
So yummm

He bought me an entire outfit 😱😊 (earrings, shirt, shoes, white jeggings [that were too big])...

 plus this hat and scarf...

... these earrings (yowza) and necklace ...

... a sweater...

and roses, and Rob and Reza, too. Spoiled rotten!😱😍

Random pics of my life lately...

Mama Mia dates


 ... and more hikes

Dr. appts and surgery for Mahdi

Lunch with Cass and Jess

 Haircuts and a water fight πŸ’¦
Dealing with challenges from Getty (check out his face here... and Rob's as a result 😏) 

St. George for Fall Break

Meanwhile, I've been losing weight like crazy this summer and have had no appetite. I went to the doctor ready to hear my next battle would be cancer (in my world, that would make so much sense 😜) Instead, everything checked out, except the protein level, which is to be expected when you're undernourished. He prescribed something called "eat." That, and drink two Ensure's a day. Stress does crazy things to a body.

People might think they'd like this problem, but guess what comes along with it? New wrinkles. Sagging skin. And your pants and skirts don't fit. And your hair falls out. And people think you're anorexic. And food doesn't taste good. It's not all it's cracked up to be. 

But it could be worse.

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