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Monday, January 14, 2019

Cam's a teenager!

Do you see what I'm saying?? 😍

He got kidnapped the midnight of his birthday

First debit card and lanyard wallet (he's only lost it and needed a replacement card 3 times so far 😊)

Getty thinks it's his birthday...

The stilts were fun (for about 3 days, ha)

haha, look how tricky!👇

Cam's got a bunch of girl friends, so he decided to have a slumber party with a girls' tent and a boys' tent.
They played Fugitive and had "story time" with a "no scary stories" policy due to the dark forest behind our house (😂)

Lagoon was a summer priority for Cam (and for Mahdi, so we brought him along).

And Mahdi's hair is clearly a priority. Cousin Ryan came too 👍

"Dad, can we go for a drive? Not a destination drive, just a journey...."
But Dad convinced him that a pit stop at the top of the mountain for some wings was part of their journey 😋

Summer also meant Student Council camp at Dixie State 

...and the dreaded week long scout campout with 5-hour hikes in and out of camp, each scout carrying a 40-lb pack.

The troop actually had llama's along to carry some of the extra lload😊 Rob hiked up a couple days later with another dad and told me that hike was the hardest thing he's ever done physically. Ever!!


In August, Rob and I biked to see Cam in the Alpine Parade with Student Council

A birthday breakfast

Can't remember the last time I caught him napping




Sweet Cam, you're just so easy to love 💖

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