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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Project Redecorate/My birthday

Rob decided he wanted to try those new stick-on backsplash tiles as a birthday gift to me 🙌🙌🙌 

We started at 10:00 p.m. for some reason(?) and just about finished it up by 6:30 a.m. (We were excited.)

I love it!

And then Rob sent me texts of country song lyrics on my birthday. Here are some...

He's so cute.

I feel like it's been my birthday for a couple months now, because Rob decided it was time for a new dining set and couches. Our old ones were beat up, broken, and carved by the boys (which had it's own special charm, haha). Plus we've had two new move-ins that led to switching about 14 rooms around. 

I'm documenting all the changes so future posterity can re-create our home, like Brigham Young's Lion House, haha

Really, it brings back so many memories when I see our home at different stages of our lives.

We got a few new lamps, here...

here... (and added our parents' wedding pics 💗)

and here in the library...

Rob printed a pic of my granddad and his twin holding a trophy for "Best Looking Twins"

...and he printed a sketch of the Nauvoo temple for the dining room

The Zone sectional got different pillows

And Mia moved back in to one of the basement bedrooms... 
and "redecorated," haha

Then Getty's friend Danny moved in for a couple months and then Uncle Scotty moved in for another couple of months, so we moved Mia upstairs to her old bedroom, the "Poppies," which used to look like this... 

... and now looks like Cam's old room, because she wanted his big bed. 

I figure we'll eventually use the room as our grandkids' sleepover bedroom (assuming Mia moves out at some point ;)

Since Cam's old bedroom was moved into Mia's old room, 

... Cam moved into Getty's old room, so we moved MK's old "Ocean" room into his new bedroom...

... and Rob printed these surfboards

Cam's old bedroom turned into Mia's "Poppies" room

And Cy finally got his room back to himself 

The basement spa was moved to the main floor to make room for Getty's "Boardroom" in the basement next to Danny and then Scotty. From this...

To this...

While we were turning the house upside down and inside-out, I went ahead and pared down the laundry room kids' pictures from years ago and filed some.

And found this by Getty at age 4...

This was Elle's drawing at age 4... 😂

And then I straightened up my main storage room just for extra fun 😂 

Manic anyone?

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