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Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Santa,

My name is Getty. I don't have to tell you my age or where I live or any of that stuff. Because I am pretty much the only Getty in America. So just search me up to find where I live and that stuff. Trust me it will be easy.
I didn't appreciate my underwear and clothes last year. I specifically said I wanted a 312 Excel Ph 9, NOT underwear and clothes.
So this year I want an Xbox 360 Elite Commander 2 with Kinect and lots of games for it. Also a brand new dirtbike Kawasaki 80 cc.
And be safe on your way here cause Xbox 360 Kinect and dirtbikes weigh a lot of pounds. And I'm not in the mood for no presents on Christmas. Thank you.
Sincerely, Getty Evans


Jen V said...

Dear Getty,
You're the best, most talented, cutest, funniest, most athletic, awesomist Getty ever!!

I hope all your wishes come true (and I hope that Santa can fit that bike in his sleigh)

I love you - stop getting so big!! And come visit me - would ya?

Aunt Jen

Marianne said...

Ha ha! That's the best. I'm glad you wrote that down for posterity. I'm sure he would LOVE it if you pulled it out to show his kids.

Kersten said...

Wow is he a heart breaker or what?