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Monday, February 21, 2011

Bloch Exhibit

This is my newest favorite painting,"Christ Mocked by a Soldier." Christ's look is so piercing. So humble. So long-suffering and committed. And He looks grief-stricken. How does a painter capture that kind of emotion? It amazes me. The soldier grabbing His back is so hateful, yet that was nothing compared to what really happened. Christ's eyes looking directly into mine give me such a rush of emotion. His eyes seem to convey complete understanding of any misjudgment, unfair treatment, lack of appreciation, irony, or ridicule that I feel I suffer on some of my worst days. He shows me how to endure it. With dignity. Meekness. Humility. And rock solid commitment to and love of God. I love how Christ has turned away from the soldier. He ignores the worst in him. He loves him. I love this painting. It inspires me to rise above it all.

We couldn't miss out on the Carl Bloch Exhibit at BYU. Plus, it was free!
Here we are, all smiles. 

There was a spot on the lense that showed up right on my bum. I tried to photoshop, but I just made it worse. Mia says, "Oh no you did-n't..." haha
 M&M have so much fun together.
 Another smiley pic
And two seconds before that picture... 

Cam's so patient with us. I love that boy.

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