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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's, Part 1

This year, Rob decided to have my flowers delivered. Why is that so fun? Don't know, but it is. They came in a big box that Getty promptly converted into a casket for the school Valentine box contest. His 3rd grade Valentine toilet ("Sit on the pot and let your Valentine drop") was printed poster-size and is hanging in Mrs. B's room for inspiration. Getty decided he'd better top it this year. I love the details he thought of—there's a rose on top of the casket lid, his framed photo as a memorial... he's awesome.
So, he just got home from school and tried to hide that he'd won Most Creative, Funniest, Longest(?), and Overall Best Valentine box in the 5th grade (he has a thing about bragging. —I don't! hahaha. Cy fills me in).
Oh! And I just realized I haven't gotten Rob anything....crap! Maybe I'll tell him I won't buy anything except food and gas for a month. Yep, that should do it. (jk, but the fact is he'd worship me :)

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Awesome! He's so creative, and slightly morbid. :) lol