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Monday, February 21, 2011

Sweethearts with Jason

MK rushed in the door wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a ponytail 25 minutes before her date was to pick her up. Gobs of time in her book. I frantically curled her hair, while she bobbed up and down getting dressed and doing make-up.
Then, he was early.
Mia didn't mind entertaining a tall, dark, and handsome stranger while they watched basketball and waited. MK was ready soon enough, and they would've been out the door in a flash, but her mom couldn't quite figure out how to pin the boutonniere.
Rob did his best but to no avail. So, we sent them off to the next date's house, where hopefully a more prepared mom could help.
Fun times!

1 comment:

Jen V said...

MK has SO MUCH HAIR! Holy smokes.

PS I love that you've been blogging more!