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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Christmas Eve, 2019

Getty's missing, and we're all feeling it 
and hoping he'll show up soon

In the meantime we got to have the Vietti's over for our Minute-to-Win-It games
Tic Tac Cup Flip

Candy Crane. Lift the glass bottle to 
standing. Fastest time wins.

Egg Noggin'. Roll an egg across the island with only your forehead. Start over if the egg falls off the table. Fastest time wins.

Stocking Scoop. One person (preferably the same person for all participants) bounce passes one ping pong ball at a time to the catcher (we had a bucket of 30 balls). Using only one hand to hold the stocking, the catcher catches as many ping pong balls in the stocking as he can in 1 minute.

Christmas Orange Bowling. Slip an orange into the toe of a pair of nylons and tie the nylons around your waist. Hip thrust your hanging orange to propel a ball down a hallway to the finish line. Fastest time wins.

At this point, the Vietti's headed for home ... and the sibling competition got serious...

Christmas Card Cliffhanger. Cut the back of a card in half horizontally to make the card more manageable. Blow the Christmas card to the edge of a tabletop so that one side of the card is on the counter and the other side is hanging off the counter. If it falls off, start over. Fastest time wins. 

Christmas Mail Delivery: Toss the envelopes into the tray for one minute. The person with the most envelopes in the tray wins.

Flick 'n' Roll. Using a rubberband on your finger, flick the wrapping paper roll across the tabletop to the finish line. Fastest time wins.

Cash prizes and novelty drinks for the win!

It's been so long, I don't even remember who won, and neither do they--which is saying something.

Christmas Eve post in March 😜

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