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Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Worst Christmas, 2019

So Getty never showed up on Christmas Eve for our annual Minute-to-Win-It Tournament that he wins every year. We called, texted, called, texted. He kept saying he was on his way. On Christmas morning at 8:00 a.m. I got a call from the county jail. 

We had Rob's side of the family coming over for brunch and gifts, my side of the family's dinner and gifts in the afternoon at Granny's, and currently four kids who were waiting at the top of the stairs to go open presents on Christmas morning. For that, and other more important reasons, we decided not to bail him out that day.

Hard shift to Christmas morning...

But Mia was ecstatic to get MK's gift to her...

Cam got an ipad and a gift card for a keyboard. He held in his enthusiasm... per usual 😂 

And Cy was not at all excited about the book I gave him, hoping he would read something... anything...
I mean, it was perfect for him. When he was younger he would rattle off questions faster than I could inhale to respond. Oh well. He literally despises reading, and I'm an English major. So embarrassing 😂😜

Meanwhile, Getty called Rob, Kenzie, and I throughout the day, almost every hour, over and over again begging us to get him out. Ongoing muffled conversations between the three of us. Like I said, the worst Christmas. 

I was so preoccupied I didn't even think to take pictures of the Evans' side brunch and gift exchange, but I got a few of our dinner at Granny's. 

Caleb is obsessed with Cy, and Cy is so cute with him!

We re-created Christmas for our Getty a few days later....

Once again, MK came through with the biggest and best present for her sibling (a skateboard and accessories). That girl is so generous!

All's well that ends well, right? Sure 😏

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