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Sunday, April 19, 2020

CORONA Virus aka COVID-19

For posterity...

One day, Thursday March 12th, I went to the grocery store to pick up donuts for Cy's high school class, so he could get "extra credit." This is what I saw... 

Shelves of toilet paper, peanut butter, pasta, bottled water, bleach, hand sanitizer, milk, eggs, flour, sugar, diapers and wipes, and formula were emptied over and over again in the coming weeks...

Cars parked behind Costco, because the parking lot was already full.

Costco regularly maxes out their capacity, so now there's a line to get in.

All kinds of gatherings were limited to 250 people, then 100 people, then 50, then 10. Social distancing of 6' became a thing. 

The NBA cancelled all games. March Madness was no more.

All schools and universities were closed for 2 weeks, then 6 weeks, then the rest of the school year. Online schooling began.

Church meetings were suspended until further notice. 

On Sundays, Rob and Cy blessed the sacrament and Cam passed it to our family. Then, we would have lessons... 
"Hey, no wrestling during church!"

Temples were closed.

Missionaries from all over the world were quarantined to their apartments for weeks, then sent home and quarantined for another 2 weeks, including cousin Ireland from Thailand who had served for 8 months....


 The Vietti's said hello through the phone.

Elders who had served for 18 months and sisters who had served 15 months were honorably released. The other missionaries who were sent home prematurely for safety reasons were given two options: one, wait at home for a reassignment and retain their original mission release date, or two, defer their mission for 12-18 months and then serve with a new release date.

For our neighborhood, these circumstances meant several missionaries would be arriving home in about two weeks' time. To accommodate social distancing practices, our ward and the neighboring ward put up flags of all kinds of countries at the entrance to the neighborhood and then people lined up in their cars and honked and flashed headlights and waved posters as the returning missionary drove through waving to the crowd. 

Drive-thru wedding receptions and drive-thru birthday parades are a thing.

Then Utah joined 25 other states (and counting) in instituting a "Stay Safe, Stay Home" policy.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner served all day every day

Restaurants closed their doors to dine-in and offered drive-thru or curbside service.

National parks were closed, and park playgrounds were off-limits.

Everyone was encouraged to work from home if at all possible. Rob and John and a few employees went into work and the rest stayed home.

March 18 at 7:09 a.m. a 5.7 earthquake. We were "shook." You know how Cy rolls back and forth to get to sleep or to get back to sleep? He said, "I was rolling, and then I started rolling REALLY HARD" 😂

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