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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Doing the Quarantine Thing

St. Patrick's day coincided with the 
beginning of our quarantine days
aka Green Sugar day, apparently πŸ˜‰

This is how we do quarantine....

Cam and I ride bikes and hike through the forest trails behind our house...

(Detour to explore a dilapidated treehouse)

(Geo Cache with Pokemon inside)

Bananagrams is a staple...

Ping Pong

 Cy dyed his hair platinum... orange πŸ˜‚πŸ‘†


"Water Boarding" challenge: Prevent the water from filling up the cup by drinking it through a straw. Longest time wins.

Kenz made it to 56 seconds

 Cy gave up at 41 seconds while Cam timed

Cam made the best vanilla ice cream I've ever tasted

Random acrobatics

Handstand while taking off your shirt and then putting it back on ✅ 

Laying out on the balcony

Vacuum sealing each other πŸ˜‚

Mia pranks Rob... "Dad, hurry! The toilet is smoking!"

Cam pranks Cy with a cutout Rob had printed for a friend. Picture this... it's 5:00 a.m. The house is dark. You come walking out of your bedroom half asleep to use the bathroom when you see...

From my bed I heard a yell and then "BAM!" 
[thanks, Cy, for the re-enactment]

 He punched her head off, poor girl!

A couple minutes later, Cy walked back past my bedroom door still shook πŸ˜±πŸ˜‚

 Cam is King!

  Cam and friends dirtbiking

and hammocking in the forest

Pickle ball tournament

I only got to play twice—pity games. No one wants to play me because I'm no good πŸ˜‚ How am I supposed to get better??

Final Rankings
#1 Our HERO
#2 Cy
#3 MK
#4 Cam
#5 Yo

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