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Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Few Things I Know About Elle

Loves to pose
Likes the boys
Favorite leisure activity—body painting with lip gloss. Knows how to apply mascara.

Doesn’t know it's possible to suck her thumb without her tag blankey

Drinks a gallon of milk every day (okay, not an entire gallon…)

Likes to crawl out of bed sometime after midnight and curl up with Cam in his bed

Randomly sings out, “Nother one bites the dust…” and “Celebrate good times, come on!”

Sticks out her tongue when she's mad at me (the teen years are gonna be rough :)

Has zero tolerance for hair brushing

Tantrums are short and sweet. I mean bitter.

Every week tells me who hit her in nursery and how she told him off. Doesn't feel bad—likes the excitement.

Still thrills over peek-a-boo

Rushing out of Chick-fil-a to a football game, stops me and puts her drink straw up her nose, "See—it's funny!"

Thinks potty training is for people who don't realize how convenient it is to poop where you stand

Banned for life from fishy crackers. Eats a few in a baggie then picks the rest out and hucks them as far as she can throw. Game not over until she stomps them all. Throws herself on the floor wailing and gnashing her teeth when she sees the garbage can next to her. Busted. I say, "You know the drill...."


Linda Barton said...

You are so funny! ...poop where you stand....
all I can say is Elle is my kind of gal!

Crystal said...

Could you have a cuter family? I don't think so!

P.S. I'm looking for the post of things about Fabulous Lorenne!

Marianne said...

She's so cute too!! I love those precious eyes. Cutie!

Carrie said...

too cute, she sounds just like my 2 and a half year old, we should get them together. You have a cute family, miss you.