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Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Few Things I Know About Getty

Doesn’t sit down while eating

You name it; he freaks out about it

Takes longer showers than I do (LONG!)

Has no known “off” button

Yelps like a chimp about every two minutes to add some excitement

Eats as many fruit snack packs as he can get away with. Turning into a fruit snack...

Says, "blow the window down" instead of "roll the window down" in the car. The little kids think he's right and I'm wrong.

Drops the phone wherever he lands (in the yard, under his bed, in the dress-up tub…)

Considers eating and going to the bathroom huge time-wasters when playing with friends

Sleeps in his clothes

Plays soccer like he’s on fire and the ball is the cure

Figures if he can't play with his friends for several hours every day, life is not worth living

Typical after-school scenario:

Getty: "Can I play?"
Me: "After you sweep and do your homework."
[Getty messes around until the phone rings. It's Cody, Jair, or Cole.]
Getty: "Mom, can I play, PLEASE?"
Me: "Same answer."
Getty: [tears falling, throat catching, cries into the phone] "My mom hates me! I can't play!" Slams the phone down.
I guess his friends love him for the emotional wreck he is(?)

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

All I can say is please have more kids!!! Or better yet, for my personal entertainment, let me watch them in action for a day....just one.