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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Am From...

A poem by Mia...

I am from muddy shoe tracks on the wood floor and playing cards with the family

I'm from a neighborhood cat we named Tiger and deer we call Doe, Ray, and Mi

I am from a yard covered with sports balls and a garage filled with bikes, scooters, skateboards, and rollerblades

From Mama Mondays, Popcorn Pillow Talk Tuesdays, and Friday night movie nights

From Mom, "Mia, is your checklist done?" and from Dad, "I'll do your dishes for a backrub..."

I am from Grandma's Roast Beef and Yorkshire pudding dinners and lunches out with Granny

I'm from cooking lessons on Sunday afternoon
From Dad's malts to Mom's smoothies

I am from hidden candy on the top shelf

I am from Grandpa's piano, Ashley's guitar, Uncle Nate's band, and Clint's ukulele

I'm from English and Scottish relatives, from 6 foot 5 to 5 foot 1
I am from Vietnam, Hollywood, and Heaven

I am from two sisters, three brothers and parents who love me


Shelley said...

I want to know what Mama Mondays and Popcorn Pillow Talk Tuesdays are. They sound great! :)

Mia said...

For Mama Mondays, I just take one of the school-age kids out after FHE for a couple of hours to do whatever he or she wants to do. Sometimes they just want to stay home and make playdough or play cards or bake cookies instead. Popcorn Pillow Talks are just a half-hour after bedtime with one of the kids where we sit on my bed with a bowl of popcorn and talk, or we read together if they want.

Before I started years ago, I thought I absolutely did not have enough time or energy to pile this on to my schedule. What I found out was, not only was it fairly easy to fit in, but more importantly I had been missing out on the best part of motherhood—the FUN part! These traditions have been SO worth it to me. I hope to do it as a grandma, too. (BTW, these were not my ideas. I stole them from books or friends.)

Scott said...

That's great! You need a little knowledge that you are making a difference in your kids life every once in a while!!