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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hawaii Day 1: Homework, Temple Work, Pirates, and Pigs

Tuesday: Homework in the airport. Getty dreaded this part so much that he begged us to go to Hawaii without him. True story.
That night we did baptisms for the dead, and I got to be an official Hawaii temple worker handing out towels and asking people to please hold the handrail :) It made me happy.

Mia and MK were wearing the friendship bracelets they made to match Elle's, so they took them off, and I put them in my temple gown pocket and then right down the laundry chute without thinking. I called the temple the next day, but with no luck. I guess the Hawaii temple is the second best place to keep Elle's friendship bracelets.
We stayed with Clint and Cassie, and the kids had a great time with their kids and pets.

Pirate Cy

Begging for pets ensued, at which time I reminded them about my asthma allergies, while they tried to convince me that breathing well wasn't really that critical to my quality of life. Then I pointed out how Getty would be a fine pet, as he was at that moment jumping around and shrieking as he tends to do.
It didn't work.
But I still think Getty would be an awesome pet.

1 comment:

Linda Barton said...

I'm sorry you left your bracelets in Hawaii. But I liked your comment about at least they are in the Temple.It kind of puts things in perspective. Someday, when you are ready, I hope you will come to lunch with our old gang. We all love you so much!