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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hawaii Day 6: Pearl Harbor and Game Night

How many days left of our travel log?... Tiresome, I know. But not to me!
(two more days)

Sunday at Pearl Harbor

Peering down at the ship beneath the monument

That night the adults played Bananagrams and couples Bananagrams over and over again. I was in heaven. Except, I totally disagree that we should use the Scrabble dictionary. It doesn't even have the word "peed" in it. Ok, gross, but still...

(I could've won, you know.)


Jen V said...

Not tiresome - awesome. I'm so grateful that you are documenting this journey not only for you, Rob and the kids - but for everyone that loves your family and for everyone whose life has been changed and influenced by your family and specifically by Elle.

When Izzie says her bedtime prayers, she always says "please bless that Elle will be happy in heaven and that Jesus and Grandpere will take good care of her".

Izzie volunteered to say the prayer at the end of my (primary) lesson today and she included Elle in her prayer. Your family is constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We all miss her so much but knowing that she is in a better place provides so much comfort.

Jacqui said...

I love what Jen said. Also, I lose all pride when we play Clint and Cassie at Bananagrams. Clint comes up with all sorts of crazy compound words and smokes us all!