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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hawaii Departure: Bumped Flights and Vomit Bags

I think we got bumped from a total of 7 flights flying stand-by on our way back to the mainland. It was Spring Break and peak flying season. After a few bumped flights and not much sleep overnight, we decided to fly to Kaua'i to catch a flight from that airport.

We spent the day at the Kaua'i Marriott Resort, where Getty and Cy entertained guests by running up coconut trees and spinning off. A few people stopped to take photos much to G and C's delight :)

Then we all crashed.

After some wings at Duke's Barefoot Bar, we headed back to the airport to catch our flight to LAX.
A few minutes before we boarded, Rob and all the kids except Cam left to grab a snack. Cam and I watched three piles of carry-ons, and Cam told me his stomach hurt. Then he threw up all over himself and the floor. He wasn't done, so I grabbed him and raced into the terminal toward the restroom. He threw up three more times in the terminal and the bathroom entrance before he was done. He was soaked in vomit and all we had were our (unattended) carry-ons (which "will be confiscated and destroyed," mind you :), because our luggage went to Salt Lake on the original direct flight we missed. While I stripped him down and washed him up, a lady told me my husband was waiting outside the bathroom. Rob grabbed Cam's sweatshirt out of his carry-on, and Getty offered his boxers (the ones he was wearing under his shorts) for Cam to wear as shorts. Cam was embarrassed, but he told me, "Whenever I get worried, I just think, 'It's only for today.'"

Wow, that boy is mature.

A very concerned lady watched me wash him up and asked, "Are you flying to the mainland on United?" We boarded the (Delta) flight and requested several vomit bags. Cam filled two during the flight and only cried softly for about 30 seconds prior. And then that was that.
We arrived at LAX at 3:30 a.m., and Rob, Cam, and M&M made our connecting flight to Salt Lake while Cy, Getty, and I hung out in the airport and missed another flight before finally boarding our plane home.

But really, it was no big deal. We've had worse :)

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