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Monday, January 31, 2011

Our Family Heart Attack

Our new Valentine's Day tradition is to give ourselves a heart attack during Family Night a few weeks before Valentine's. We write something we love about each family member on a heart and then plaster the great room with them. Rob loves this. (I got the idea from Shawni Pothier's blog.)
These are some of my favorites:
I [heart] Getty because he is such a STUD! and is pro @ Madden 10 (MK)/I love Rob's righteous heart (Me)
Mom understands—Mia
I [heart] Mia because she is my sister & my best friend. Can talk & tell her anything! + she's hilarious! (MK)
Elle is yelly. Cy
MK, I can tell her anything, athletic—Mia
I [heart] mom because she tries so hard & doesn't let anything/anyone stop her (MK). (Later she told me that can be a good thing or a bad thing) :(
I love my laugh—Cy
I love Mia's stile [style]—Cy
I [heart] Elle because she is the sassiest little girl ever & its hilarious (MK).
I love Mia's pondering (Dad)/I [heart] dad & his OH SO "HIP" comments & dance moves (MK).
Happy Valentine's Day :)


Linda Barton said...

what a fun tradition, I think I'll copy it...thanks!

Jacqui said...

I heart this idea and am totally copying you (again).