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Friday, January 21, 2011

A Procrastinator I'm Not

[Getty's photo]
So, it's January. Time to start thinking about Thanksgiving, right? My thoughts exactly. I've been working on this little project this week just in case I don't have time in the next ten months to get around to it. Plus, if I don't do it now, I'll forget about this awesome idea, and that's unpardonable in my book. I read about the "Thanksgiving Tree" in "Three Steps to a Strong Family." I'm sure I'll post the details in November when it's a bit more relevant. (But I hate to put that post off for so long... ;)


Jen V said...

Details please! You aren't the only one that procrastinates!

AND are you the tiniest person ever? It looks like your boots weigh more than you do:)

Did you see that video I told you about on my blog? "I love my hair! I love my haircuts! I love my pajamas..." super hilar.

Mia said...

I'm checking it out right after I comment.

The Thanksgiving Tree is simple--your family members just write something they're thankful for on a leaf every day or whenever they think about it during November and tape the leaf onto the (laminated) tree branches. So, the tree will be full of thanksgiving :)

Jacqui said...

I read about this tree, too! And I want to do it! And I probably won't in October, but maybe you'll inspire me to do it on Valentine's Day. I think it's fabulous.